Ecoglo is continually developing its range of signs and products to meet NZBC F8 and F6 as we endeavour to design and manufacture quality products which are not only cost-effective and sustainable, but which are also aesthetically appealing.

The sleek design of our exit signs and emergency visibility products allows them to be highly effective without being obtrusive.

A recent addition to our range is the latest version of Ecoglo’s Hybrid PL exit sign which is suitable for situations where there is insufficient light to charge standard PL signs.

Ecoglo’s BR2-LBC series of mounted exit signs is listed on the prestigious Declare database as they are Living Building Challenge (LBC) compliant. This means the signs have no “Red-List” ingredients (as per the Living Building Challenge Red List). As no other ingredients are used in the manufacture of Ecoglo S20 exit signs these can also therefore be deemed to be “Red List” free.

Product data sheets for the Hybrid Exit Sign and S20 signs can be found under PRODUCTS>Exit Signs on this website.

Information regarding designing systems using Ecoglo products is available below, and further useful information can be found under the TECHNICAL section of this website.

If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact us.

Contact Us
+64 3 348 3781
or 0800 326 456
Physical Address
Unit 3
160 Ferry Rd Waltham
New Zealand
Postal Address
PO Box 7698
Christchurch 8240
New Zealand
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