NZBC B2 Compliance - Durability

NZBC Clause B2 specifies durability requirements of building elements.

Products which conform to Clauses F6 and F8 are also required to meet Clause B2.3.1. This means that they must continue to meet the Building Code:

  • for (the lesser of) the life of the building, or
  • 5 years if they are easy to access and replace, and failure would be easily detected during normal use of the building; or
  • 15 years if they are easy to access and replace, but failure would go undetected during normal use of the building (but be easily detected during normal maintenance).

Given that normal use of the building does not involve occupants being in a lights-out condition, failure could go undetected during normal use of the building, so the products need to continue to meet F6 and F8 for 15 years.

Testing has shown that Ecoglo products will meet this requirement, therefore there is no need for ongoing luminance testing.

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